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RTL Modeling with SystemVerilog for Simulation and Synthesis: Using SystemVerilog for ASIC and FPGA Design : КНИГИ » Электроника, радиотехника
автор: brij | 6 февраля 2020 | Просмотров: 217
RTL Modeling with SystemVerilog for Simulation and Synthesis: Using SystemVerilog for ASIC and FPGA Design     Название:   
    Формат:   PDF
    Размер:   11.5 MB
    Качество:   Отличное
    Язык:   Английский
    Страниц:   472


This book is both a tutorial and a reference for engineers who use the SystemVerilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) to design ASICs and FPGAs. The book shows how to write SystemVerilog models at the Register Transfer Level (RTL) that simulate and synthesize correctly, with a focus on proper coding styles and best practices. SystemVerilog is the latest generation of the original Verilog language, and adds many important capabilities to efficiently and more accurately model increasingly complex designs. This book reflects the SystemVerilog standards. This book is for engineers who already know, or who are learning, digital design engineering.

The book does not present digital design theory; it shows how to apply that theory to write RTL models that simulate and synthesize correctly. The creator of the original Verilog Language, Phil Moorby says about this book (an excerpt from the book's Foreword): “Many published textbooks on the design side of SystemVerilog assume that the reader is familiar with Verilog, and simply explain the new extensions. It is time to leave behind the stepping-stones and to teach a single consistent and concise language in a single book, and maybe not even refer to the old ways at all! If you are a designer of digital systems, or a verification engineer searching for bugs in these designs, then SystemVerilog will provide you with significant benefits, and this book is a great place to learn the design aspects of SystemVerilog.”

This book is for all engineers who are involved with digital IC design. The book is intended to serve as both a learning guide and a reference manual on the RTL synthe­sis subset of the SystemVerilog language. The book presents SystemVerilog in the context of examples, with an emphasis on correct, best-practice coding styles.

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