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Underwater Robots, Fourth Edition : КНИГИ » Электроника, радиотехника
автор: brij | 6 апреля 2018 | Просмотров: 341
Underwater Robots, Fourth Edition     Название:   
    Формат:   PDF
    Размер:   21.8 MB
    Качество:   Отличное
    Язык:   Английский
    Серия:   Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (Book 123)
    Страниц:   374
    ISBN:   3319778986


A classic in underwater robotics. One of the first volumes in the “Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics” series, it has been a bestseller through the previous three editions. Fifteen years after the publication of the first edition, the fourth edition comes to print. The book addresses the main control aspects in underwater manipulation tasks. With respect to the third edition, it has been revised, extended and some concepts better clustered. The mathematical model with significant impact on the control strategy is discussed. The problem of controlling a 6-degrees-of-freedoms autonomous underwater vehicle is investigated and a survey of fault detection/tolerant strategies for unmanned underwater vehicles is provided. Inverse kinematics, dynamic and interaction control for underwater vehicle-manipulator systems are then discussed. The code used to generate most of the numerical simulations is made available and briefly discussed.

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