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Robot Ethics 2.0: From Autonomous Cars to Artificial Intelligence : КНИГИ » Электроника, радиотехника
автор: brij | 26 ноября 2017 | Просмотров: 291
Robot Ethics 2.0: From Autonomous Cars to Artificial Intelligence     Название:   
    Формат:   PDF
    Размер:   27.9 MB
    Качество:   Отличное
    Язык:   Английский
    Страниц:   440
    ISBN:   0190652950


Не все, кто интересуется роботами, высоко оценивают этику или ценят социальную ответственность разработчика технологий. Они часто рады, что невидимая рука рынка и судов справляется с любыми проблемами, даже если вред можно предотвратить. Хотя есть много что сказать о сокращении барьеров для инноваций и эффективности неограниченного рынка, этика - это также вопрос для робототехники.

Not everyone interested in robots has a high opinion of ethics or appreciates the social responsibility of a technology developer. They’re often happy to let the invisible hand of the market and legal courts sort out any problems, even if the harm was preventable. While there’s something to be said about reducing barriers to innovation and the efficiency of an unfettered market, ethics also
matters for robotics.

As robots slip into more domains of human life - from the operating room to the bedroom - they take on our morally important tasks and decisions, as well as create new risks from psychological to physical. This makes it all the more urgent to study their ethical, legal, and policy impacts.

To help the robotics industry and broader society, we need to not only press ahead on a wide range of issues, but also identify new ones emerging as quickly as the field is evolving. For instance, where military robots had received much attention in the past (and are still controversial today), we look toward autonomous cars here as an important case study that cuts across diverse issues, from liability to psychology to trust and more. And because robotics feeds into and is fed by AI, Internet of Things, and other cognate fields, robot ethics must also reach into those domains, too.

Expanding these discussions also means listening to new voices; robot ethics is no longer the concern of a handful of scholars. Experts from different academic disciplines and geographical areas are now playing vital roles in shaping ethical, legal, and policy discussions worldwide. So, for a more complete study, we look beyond the usual suspects for the latest thinking. Many of these views are provocative - but also what we need to push forward in unfamiliar territory.

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