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Epoxy Resin: The Complete Guide for Artists, Builders, and Makers : КНИГИ » Умелые руки, шитьё, вязание
автор: sunchik | 21 июля 2023 | Просмотров: 54
Epoxy Resin: The Complete Guide for Artists, Builders, and Makers     Название:   
    Формат:   EPUB
    Размер:   195 mb
    Качество:   Отличное
    Язык:   Английский
    Жанр:   хобби
    Страниц:   208


Create your own stunning objects, from easy projects to statement pieces, with the magic of epoxy resin. This groundbreaking maker’s manual masterfully guides you through the entire process, from proper planning to finished work. Learn how to prepare surfaces, which epoxy to use, and the right temperatures for your workspace and materials. Determine how much time you need for a project and how to support weight effectively. Understand how to mix and add colors and how to prepare and remove molds. Figure out how to achieve textures and tackle problems such as bubbles, drips, and dust. Explore color schemes, customizations, and ways to add impact and depth, including embedding objects, incorporating other media, and finishing techniques. Packed with tips, this must-have book features step-by-step instructions and photos for 12 projects―from bookmarks and coasters to countertops and dining tables―that anyone can create. endless.

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